Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dear Society

Dear Society,
Why is it acceptable for those in a self professed status of privilege to find entertainment in the mockery of those perceived to be less than worthy than themselves. Is hard work not admirable no matter if the field be flipping burgers or flipping verdicts? We earn respect by our character and ethics not by the amount of money in our bank accounts or the prestige in our titles. Why is it that only abuse that is physically visible is a problem? A person who gets told daily of their worthlessness and their inability to amount to anything gets mercilessly blamed for the dissolution of their relationships and you society allow them to be the monster. Why, is it acceptable that we can judge our peers for being "weird" or "strange"? Do we not all carry unique traits? Society why can you not teach us to ignore the differences and embrace the things that are the same, like that fact that we can all love and the fact that we can all hurt...dear society, why can't you grow up?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Human rights. I'm down for those. Love is love."

So in light of recent events I am going to semi break my "stay away from politics and religion" rule because I am disheartened, nay, sickened by the things I have been seeing/hearing. First and foremost, there is a very well defined line called "separation of church and state" that being said 1) feel free to have your personal opinions...yes personal. You are not God therefore don't attempt to speak for him/her/them and what he/she/they deem "right". Have you forgotten the Bible was written by men....or is that a fact you are simply trying to ignore? Or maybe you're one of those people who live by only what you choose to? Condemn gays but have premarital sex and cuss like a sailor? Ringing any bells? 2) Religion does not trump human rights. Our freedom is our birth right religion is optional. Moving on, because it's not even the religious aspect that's gotten me irritated. What really has my blood boiling is all the people in interracial relationships getting on to people about who they can and cannot marry....SERIOUSLY! You are telling me that you are going to back the same people who less than 50 years ago said your relationship was against Gods will and unnatural. For African Americans, it was said you could not marry outside your race because you were considered live stock and of course, bestiality, huge biblical no-no. You are doing nothing but erasing history and taking a big fat crap on everything those people stood for, died for. You are absolutely no better of a person  now than those people were then. If you dont agree with it, so be it but dont let your opinion dictate someone elses life. Mad truth.

FYI: Interracial marriage was considered unconstitutional until 1967, Loving v. Virginia.

Friday, October 5, 2012

But What About Big Bird?!?!?!?!

First and foremost this post has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS!!!

That being said, there is too much going on with this Sesame Street business for me not to chime in. I am really frustrated by free thinking adults constantly jumping on the band wagon rather than thinking for themselves. In the recent presidential debate a comment was made about ending government subsidization to PBS and now everyone is all "what about Big Bird." "what about the kids!?!?" Okay people clearly you are in fact band wagoners and don't watch PBS, if you did you would be aware that prior to every broadcast they state something along the lines of "this program is made possible by viewers like you."...not solely the government. If you people are so worried about whats going to happen to a big yellow bird give up your cigarettes, booze, and movie money and send in a nice little donation, posting a bunch of randomness isn't going to help him out. But seeing as how most likely you wont be donating anything to the cause you are so adamant about, get over it. Don't get me wrong I love Sesame Street and my son like most toddlers loves him some Elmo but seriously all this nonsense about "What about the Kids?" "Big Bird and friends taught me so much about the alphabet and number and being respectful." Well that's unfortunate. You know who taught me numbers and the alphabet and how to be respectful? My parents! Sesame Street is a fantastic program but it is not an alternative to parenting. The education of your children is your responsibility not the governments.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Soulmates: a conundrum that has been plaguing the world since circa 1820 (maybe). So in lieu of recent social network events here is my take on the idea.

I am a believer in soulmates...that being said. I do not believe there is a one person out there for each of us in a romantic sense. As a wise woman said, that is "...absolutely one of the least romantic concepts out there, in addition to being totally statistically impossible." Truth. I believe that each of us is destined to meant one person who a) has a drastic effect on our life b) enables us to have a drastic effect on someone elses life and/or c) when meshed together you both have a dramatic effect on the world (or those in your social circle). For example Steve Jobs and Apple, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, Stephen King and Richard Matheson....soulmates. Small connections can make a big change even if all you ever see is a small one. Your soulmate may not be the person to spend your life with but it can very well be the teacher who inspires you to be a doctor which leads to you curing cancer. It could be your repugnant father who gave you the motivation for change and set you on your path to becoming the Pope (or a vicious dictator, life doesn't discriminate). Point being, I believe that person is out there for all of us, calling us to exhibit our greatness. I do not believe everyone finds theirs, in fact I believe most people don't. I also believe actually searching this person out completely defeats the purpose. So just live, and if and when you meet the person who challenges you to change the world smile and change it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And Then...There Was Google...

Well hello blog world, it has been far too long! So here is to trying to change that.

So this morning on my drive to work I hear on the radio that in the past 15 years the obesity rate in America has doubled. Ridiculous. So there I sat, driving, racking my brain for what could possibly be the reason...then BAM! it hit me. My vote? Google! So 15 years ago people actually had to leave their homes for research and entertainment....alas there is no longer a need. I remember in grade school having to do book reports. This tedious process involved WALKING to the library, finding a book, WALKING back home, reading said book in its entirety, writing MY OWN paper, WALKING back to the library to return the book and finally WALKING back home. Kids these days? Google a book, Google an essay on that book, print said essay, continue shooting zombies or updating status...see where there is an obvious problem? Now, though it may seem otherwise, I am not blaming Google for obese people. I blame obese people for their own obesity, it was their choices that got them where they are. I'm just ranting that once, we had to walk to movies to view show times, or to the pool to catch the hours of operation. At one point being outside and walking wouldn't phase any of us one bit because it's all we had. In the age of Google it seems like there is a never ending foray of excuses. "It's too hot." "That's too far." "My show is coming on." "I already went out today." And so on and so forth. I say, you clearly have more than enough time to update your status, comment on pictures, and apply online which means you have plenty of time to take a walk, apply in person and tell someone with a face how you are doing...just saying.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Limits On Happiness

Who is to dictate your happiness other than yourself? Should the possibility of hurting another person stop you from pursuing your own happiness? (Disclaimer: I am referring to emotional pain not physical pain.) If you have a good job and you are unhappy should you stay at that job? Or should you quit and be an artist cause that’s what you have always wanted to do and it’s what makes you happy…same scenario but add a significant other who’s gotten used to living a certain way. I don’t think I need to go into multiple examples for you all to get the idea. Point, what, if any, are the limits to a person’s happiness? Is it determined by the individual or by morals and stipulations based on societal views? Should a person give up their own happiness for another? And again, should that choice be made by the individual themselves? And more so, should the choice be made, is it really our own or have we been so influenced by our surroundings that we talk ourselves into what we think is right by those standards. I like to think my parents influenced me to make responsible choices but to make choices that would bring me happiness. Life to me is not about pleasing the wishes of others but living life to the fullest because as cliché as it is, tomorrow really is not promised to anyone. Life should be lived and not categorized into race, age, sexuality, or anything else. If it makes you happy and brings fulfillment to your life why let negative stigmas get in the way? Are you okay with today if tomorrow is the end? You should be.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Elementary My Dear Watson!

Though I am still quite young in the eyes of many I find it disconcerting that my generation is so lacking in the proper skills of communication and conflict resolution. Now I myself am far from being the model citizen in this regard so it's saying a lot that I am finding a discrepancy here. More and more I am finding myself faced with "school yard drama", adult situations being handled with elementary tactics. I was not aware that at my age (and thus the age of my peers) the silent treatment was still an option when faced with infuriating of uncomfortable situations. Am I wrong in assuming that as adults, issues should be faced and resolved not ignored? It is thoroughly annoying when I hit a brick wall when trying to confront a serious situation. If you're not ready to face your problems or the problems others have with you at least be adult enough to admit you aren't ready. Not that hard, I promise. And in contrast, what is the deal with feeling the need to lie and act out to get attention? If someone is truly a friend or significant other I guarantee you do not need to exaggerate in any way, shape, or form to keep their attention. We are not 3 year olds, we have words therefore we need to use them and use them properly. We also need to be responsible for our actions. It is not the government keeping you from getting a job, nor is it "daddy issues" causing you to sleep around (oof! not going there)! Also, I am very much aware that people have varying opinions and views (as you should be at this point in your life). All people don't hold the same morals, doctrines, or understanding of satisfactory hygiene but it was my belief that we were past the age of being catty about it. There is no need to humiliate another person to make yourself look or feel better. If it's such an indiscretion please handle the situation like the adult you are suppose to be. Pull the person to the side and be respectful with your verbiage...move on. Stop making it a big deal and stop making it public information. I swear that adages of "you'll understand when you're older." are simply a farce to keep young minds at bay, and really getting older just means dealing with the same ridiculous immature mindset in bigger bodies. Annoyed!